Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Affectionately made: Our House (part 2)

The above was a year ago, below is what is looks like now.

(This is a continuation from a previuos post)

After the framing was done, we moved on to the drywall:
Then, my husband's dad began working on our kitchen cabinets. 
Carpentry is his favorite.
Although I love white kitchen cabinets, we decided to take a risk with espresso:
We were very happy with the outcome. Yay!:
Then came the tile. We started with the bathroom:
I really love our bathroom furniture 
We scored an awsome deal on this piece.
Almost 75% original price!
Did I mention I love it?:
Moving on to the rest of the flooring:
And more tile:
Lovely granite:
Well, we're almost there:

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