Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011

A New Found Love: Peonies


Too bad these lovelies don't really grow in Southern California :(

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Affectionately made: Dip-dye Flower

This has got to be one of my favorite flowers so far

I really love how the colors turned out

I created this flower by dip-dying the fabric...

...Using, of course, my lovely Rit liquid dye

Here are a few upcoming projects

In the meantime, I'll be swooning over this little lovely.
You like?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Affectionately made: Our House (part 2)

The above was a year ago, below is what is looks like now.

(This is a continuation from a previuos post)

After the framing was done, we moved on to the drywall:
Then, my husband's dad began working on our kitchen cabinets. 
Carpentry is his favorite.
Although I love white kitchen cabinets, we decided to take a risk with espresso:
We were very happy with the outcome. Yay!:
Then came the tile. We started with the bathroom:
I really love our bathroom furniture 
We scored an awsome deal on this piece.
Almost 75% original price!
Did I mention I love it?:
Moving on to the rest of the flooring:
And more tile:
Lovely granite:
Well, we're almost there:

Monday, May 9, 2011

Atlantic-Pacific Blog

I ran into this blog this weekend and I really enjoyed looking at all her cute outfits. But I especially loved these...

asos skirt - Dolce Vita shoes - Jcrew blouse - YSL purse - H&M flowers accessori


...Can you guess why?

p.s. She's really making me love red lipstick...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Affectionately made: Our House (part 1)

When my husband and I got married almost a year ago,
 we took on the crazy challenge of building our own home...

From scratch, with our own two hands.

Crazy, I know. 

Thankfully we had the unconditional support of my hubby's skilled, construction-savvy dad, and the help of our friends and family. I am so happy to say that this project is now coming to an end.
In the mean time, I want to share the first 6 months of our blood, sweat, and tears.

This is what it looked liked when we began:

 My hubby in the bulldozer preparing the land:

 That's me digging trenches to outline the house:

 Ready for cement slab to come in:

Cement slab in, ready for framing to begin:

 The framing well on its way:

Here's my husband putting to work his knew-found construction skills:

 Framing is done, inside and out:

 Our house at 6 months:

I'll be back soon with the rest of the project...

Affectionately, Lily